Nurturing Network
international charitable organization
Founded in 1985
The Nurturing Network is an international charitable organization that for over three decades responded to the urgent and comprehensive needs of women facing the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy. To provide the practical support a woman needs to nurture her child’s life — and make the most of hers as well. We are not interested in joining the debate over whether and how to remove an alternative, but rather, in how best to provide for the urgent and practical needs of any woman faced with an unplanned pregnancy.
The Nurturing Network’s tone and substance offered a prototype of how any divisive issue can be approached in a healing and constructive way. TNN responds with flexibility and creativity to ensure that no one feels forced to choose a desperate alternative.
TNN’s objective was never a political one — but a most practical one: To provide hope and healing in the form of practical compassion when a woman’s own support network has let her down.
Founded in 1985 by Mary Cunningham Agee, TNN served 27,000 women by mobilizing the talent and energy of over 50,000 volunteer Resource Members in all fifty states and 30 foreign countries. The Network worked effectively with over 2,500 charitable organizations, foundations and faith-based initiatives nationwide. Ms. Agee demonstrated that there exists a vast common ground on which all sides can agree and move beyond political differences in order to provide practical compassion to the most vulnerable in our midst.
TNN’s objective was to provide an authentic and life-affirming choice to men and women whose own support networks have let them down. Each person served by TNN was empowered to move beyond their own economic, emotional and social constraints to nurture their own life as well as those around them.
It is not enough to say that we are ‘for life’ unless we are willing to provide the practical means to support it. This is not just a catchy slogan but a heartfelt conviction that is lived out every day in the courageous, sacrificial actions of our 50,000 volunteer members worldwide.
Communication of TNN’s message of practical compassion through writing, interviews and speeches continues to fulfill the Founder’s original mission and vision to inspire awareness of the value of each human life regardless of social or economic circumstances.
I am reminded of the many friends and volunteers who helped us to bind the wounds and heal the broken lives of over 27,000 maternal profiles in courage. Countless gifts of time and treasure from TNN’s 50,000 volunteer resource members formed the legacy of love that is the Nurturing Network.
Semper Charitable Foundation
Practical compassion Today and Always
founded in 1984
Founded in 1984 by Mary Cunningham Agee, Semper Charitable Foundation is a family foundation that has served the needs of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged for over three decades.
We seek to advance hope and opportunity for the most vulnerable members of our global society without regard to age, gender, race, nationality, or religious orientation.
We provide practical compassion through individual donations and organizational grants that empower each recipient with renewed vision, strength and courage.
The word “Semper” means “always.” Our name serves as a constant and powerful reminder to never overlook or forget the needs of the most vulnerable in our midst.
Mary Cunningham Agee’s son, Will Agee, is the director & producer of the feature documentary, The Land of High Mountains. The film tells the inspiring true story of the only pediatric hospital in Haiti. It is a powerful account of the incredible people both Haitian and foreign who are working together to heal the children of the island and to realize the dreams of a nation.
She supported the production from beginning to end and was so touched by the process that she decided to accompany the production team to Haiti on their final trip in the Spring of 2018. She continues to support many programs in the country and sponsors numerous families.